# Generator's Income
A node's income from adding a new block to the blockchain consists of the following amounts:
Generator's share of the block reward.
The current block reward is 6 WAVES, of which the generator receives 2 WAVES. Once feature #23 "Boost Block Reward" is activated, the block reward will be 60 WAVES, the generator's share will be 20 WAVES (the multiplier of ×10 applies within 300,000 blocks on Mainnet).
Block reward can be increased or decreased by a vote of generating nodes. The generator's share can be changed as a result of activation of feature #21 “Cease XTN buy-back”. For further information, see the Community Driven Monetary Policy article.
Waves DAO LP tokens (WAVESDLP) corresponding to the share of the block reward distributed to the Waves DAO treasury.
The generator can claim their WAVESDLPs at Waves DAO or by using the
function of the smart contract. WAVESDLPs can be shared with lessors, sold on the open market, or used to request WAVES withdrawal from the treasury. In the latter case, WAVES will be unlocked after the start of next KPI period, and the exact amount of WAVES depending on the DAO's return on investment will be known at that moment.40% of the total transaction fees in the current block. The exact value is calculated as follows:
Here fi is the fee for the i-th transaction. For each transaction fee, an integer division by 5 is performed, then a multiplication by 2, and finally they are summed up.
60% of the total transaction fees in the previous block.
The block generator receives exactly the part of the fee that the previous block generator did not receive.
If the transaction fee is specified in a sponsored asset, then the block generators receive the fee equivalent in WAVES instead of the fee (as a general rule, in a 40/60 ratio):
= feeInSponsoredAsset
× 0.001 / minSponsoredAssetFee
is the amount of the sponsored asset equivalent to 0.001 WAVES. The sponsor sets this value when enabling sponsorship. For details, see the Sponsored Fee article.
These rules apply since activation of feature #19 “Block Reward Distribution”.
# Previous Versions
In this range of height, the block generator received 100% of block reward. The rules for the fee sharing between the two generators were the same as described above.
The rules applied from the height of 1740000, i.e. since activation of feature #14 “Block Reward and Community Driven Monetary Policy”.
Height 1090000–1739999
In this range of height, the generator's income consisted only of transaction fees. The rules for the fee sharing between the two generators were the same as described above. There was no block reward.
The rules applied from the height of 1090000 which is 10,000 blocks after the activation of feature #7 “Fee Sponsorship”.
Height 805000–1089999
The transaction sender could specify the fee in any asset, and the block generators received the fee in this asset.
The generator of block 805000 received 40% of the total transaction fees in the the block. Generators of subsequent blocks received 40% of the total transaction fees in the current block and 60% of the total transaction fees in the previous block.
The rules applied from the height of 805000, i.e. since activation of feature #2 “NG Protocol”.
Height 2–804999
In this range of height, the block generator received 100% of the total transaction fees in the current block. The transaction sender could specify the fee in any asset.