# Install from Source (Building SBT)
This installation method implicates building DEB or JAR package from Waves git source code files, then running the node from your own DEB or JAR package. The method can be useful for blockchain developers, who want to customize the node files before installation as well as for the advanced node owners, who want check that the source code files of the running node are 100% safe to run.
💡 For OSX - homebrew is preferable choice. You can install java with
brew cask install java
and sbt withbrew install sbt@1
. Build/Test steps are common for any OS (but you should use\
instead of/
in Windows).
To build and test your Waves Node, follow the steps:
# 1. Setup the Environment
# Installing Java
Install Java with the following command:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install default-jre default-jdk
Note: To increase memory of Linux-based JVM (Java Virtual Machine) in the
file add the following:SBT_OPTS="-XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth=5000 -Xmx2536M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -Xss2M"
# Installing SBT
Please follow the SBT installation instructions.
# 2. Obtaining Source Codes
git clone https://github.com/wavesplatform/Waves.git
cd Waves
# 3. Running Unit Tests
sbt test
# 4. Building Packages
# Mainnet
sbt packageAll
# Testnet
sbt -Dnetwork=testnet packageAll
# 5. Installing DEB Package
Replace {folder} with actual folder name where the DEB package is located. Replace {*} with actual file name:
sudo dpkg -i {folder}/*.deb
# 6. Running Fat JAR
Replace {folder} with actual folder name where the JAR package is located. Replace {*} with actual file name (it should have "all"-word):
java -jar {folder}/*.jar path/to/config/file